Bygget af cromoli stål som er meget lettere ind alm stål cykler.
skærme og kædeskærm samt styr kranksæt af lavet af aluminium,
som er rustfri og let.
Swhalbe delta cruiser plus dæk som er kendt for ekstra komfort ind andre dæk og med indlæg indbygget så man har svært ved at punktere.
dobbeltbundet fælge samt rustfri eger.
virkelig en god cykel til prisen.
mange prøvekør cyklen og køber den efterfølgende.
Remington BIXBY mangler kun lås og lygter, man kan også montere front lad eller bagagebære.
remington har virkelig gjort det godt med hele deres program.
en stærk pris når man tænker på hvad man får for pengene.
remington har bixby som er den klassiske bedstemor dame cykel
eller remington detour som er en blanding af en sporty cykel og en klassisk bedstemor cykel.
detour fås som herre eller dame med 3 eller 7 gear.
og så er der remington runwell med 8 udvendig gear fra shimano i både herre eller dame.
størrelses guide:
The Remington Bicycles were manufactured by E. Remington and Sons, co-founded by Engineer Eliphalet Remington,
and were used by the American military troops.
The bicycle production was eventually permanently ceased, while the firearm production still goes on.
Starting with 1913, the Remington name became used by a Dansih bicycle company in Copenhagen,
who beared no connections to the military, but was passionate about timeless design.
We have redesigned the bicycle combined with the modern style and quality parts, to fit the urban landscape of Europe.
What we like about Remington Bikes
Our brand started as a love letter to simplicity, elegance and style, as found in the retro bicycle of the past.
We love the nostalgic feeling, that fits in the modern world, and the elaborate blanding of contemporary design and vintage flavor.
We like Remington bikes because they are beautiful without being overcomplicated, because they portray a strong personality,
and because they are easy to fall in love with – at first sight.
When you ride a Remington, you ride a bicycle created out of love and enthusiasme for life, as well as bicycles.
We want to offer a fashion accessory for your everyday life, a faithful companion that you are happy to look at, and have with you wherever you go.
It’s love at first sight, and it will be a long lasting one. Enjoy life, ride a Remington!
We love external gear!
Because it looks great! It gives power to the bike, not only visually, but by increasing efficiency in the gearbox.
All in all, this model is perfect for anyone who likes to have a little extra, or be a little faster.
So, embark on you next trip with this beautiful stylish friend
hos tria cykler har vi haft hele remington programmet siden de kom til danmark.
vi ved alt om hvordan remington cyklerne er bygget og hvad der skal til, for at klargør cyklen så den holder ekstra godt.
vi anbefaler en prøvetur, da den virkelig er en nydelse at køre på.